The Core Philosophy

Your Content, Your Rights

What I Do With Your Audio

What I Absolutely Don't Do

The Technical Bits

Downloading and Sharing

Content Guidelines

Takedowns and Removals

The Future of the Platform

Privacy and Data

Costs and Sustainability

Legal Disclaimer

Copyright and Fair Use

Community and Support

The Bottom, Bottom Line

I built this because I love audio and believe in open sharing. This platform is as much yours as it is mine. Treat it well.

Got questions? Found a bug? Want to chat? Hit me up at [email protected]. I can't promise an immediate response, but I promise I'll read every message.

Last updated: [Friday, June 21, 2024] while wondering if I should learn music theory.

Remember: This is a passion project by one developer. It's not perfect, but it's made with love. Enjoy responsibly!