The first smart guards! If only they could talk now


Played 27 times

Uploaded by: mcoi

Upload date: 6/29/2024


This is a small let's play, uh, watch? Of the new guards in rotu finishing off dragons by just making it chase me and then getting myself into a safe space. Just see and have fun!



lol, yeah, they are smart as hell, could you tell me which version of the game are you playing?


Its Tunmi's unofficial rotu, if I should call it that.


is this game out yet? if so where can one get it? Thanks.


A bit swamp-esc, eh?


Hahah. I never played swamp. Of course it is out, but, it's not advertised whidely. Well here is a post from Tunmi in a group of mine
Figured I'd make an update about the status of this game.
With that being said, let's start.
0.5 came out a few weeks ago, converting the game into NVGT. This also introduced 3D audio, so things are a lot more defined now. Prior to this change, an entities system was established, making undead and dragons alike be under one class through inheritance, allowing me to change things about entities without having to mess with values and whatnot in several places. This was easily converted, but I also had to work out a lot of kinks, both client and server side. A lot of these have already been fixed, but I am aware of some minor ones which I am still sorting out.
Dragons also received major improvements, using a similar tracking method as undead to aim for targets in the closest range. They are also faster in the air, allowing them to fly speedily towards their targets and then land at least 45 tiles away from them.
Capture the Flag has also returned, and has received major fixes that hopefully, no longer crash the server. In addition, you are able to set the target score of the match. This is where CTf-based inventories come into play, as previously the battle inventory was used for PVP in the earlier days of ROTU. This inventory has been reserved for that, and with it, a different ammo storage for event-based ammo. that way, you are not carrying that 1 million ammo into a match.
There is a lot more to unpack, but this is just a basic list. I recommend reading both the client and the server changelog to get a good grasp of what is new.
The link again is: