Elton John - Can You Feel the Love Tonight (Cover)


Played 5 times

Uploaded by: stormproductions

Upload date: 6/30/2024


Another cover I recently recorded. Excuse the microphone distortions that are heard from tikme to time, seems like my mic couldn't handle such loud singin. LOL. Anyway, hope you enjoy, feel free to drop your comments and opinions in the comments section.


Storm Productions

Oops, my spelling. Sad I can't edit my description.


way too much pitch correction

Storm Productions

Yeah, I know that. I'm not usually using that much of it, see my other cover I recently uploaded. For this track I just thought it'd be a good idea to do that but it's actually not really. Anyway I made this in a hurry since my singing teacher asked me to, but I decided to share it with you too. So I'm aware that critics will come my way, but I can handle them.