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chip of the day: seagull | Played 3 times

By TheDude

this is a chiptune by CODA.
the original title of this was called  hello mr. seagull
hope you like it as much as I do

bonus chip: Ko0x_and_Bzl_-_Wöhlerstrasse | Played 8 times

By TheDude

here is the bonus chip I promissed.

also, I am just saying, the upload limmit on here is not good for you. I just wanted to upload a 55 mb audio file... 
I guess its going to be mp3 then, 😞

chip of the day: Broken | Played 16 times

By TheDude

This is also a good chiptune.
Retro world, anyone?
this was taken from the keygen music pack, which is unforchenetly gone from the internet.
I also had to export this to mp3 because the file was too large.

a little bonus chip for you: coda_-_grundy | Played 8 times

By TheDude

no, this is not the chip of the day. I just thought I would give you a bonus chip
This song title is what I am aftrer waking up too early or not getting enough sleep.
enjoy this one.
I like it.
The problem with this one is that the module looppoint of the song is a little funky so if you play it from the module, so its just silence at the end.

chip of the day: Sinny_-_Sky_sunday | Played 11 times

By TheDude

I will be trying to do this every day. I will be uploading a random chiptune so you chiptunists have got something to listen to. And who knows, maybe you will find something new as well

the scammer line | Played 22 times

By TheDude

I have hurd this line as well whenever I call scammers so many times that its not even funny

when literally everyone wants the solo | Played 12 times

By TheDude

I think people who play in a band can relate to this one. This song is a vibe though. Its Casiopea + T-SQUARE - Fightman.
If you like this little clip of it, check out the full song, its good for you